

My name is Emile Caines. I’m a freelance audio engineer based in Los Angeles, and Collage Studio is my little home recording studio. Located in a peaceful and quiet part of Arcadia, at the bottom of the San Gabriel Mountains, it is a perfect place to disconnect from the noise and reconnect with your music.

Music has always been a profound passion of mine, not only for its captivating melodies and rhythms but also for its remarkable ability to forge meaningful connections between people. I believe that music has a unique power to bring individuals together, transcending barriers and fostering a sense of unity and understanding. As an audio engineer, I strive to capture and enhance the essence of these connections within every recording, creating a space where the social and human dimensions of music can flourish.

I specialize in recording and mixing music but I can also help take on any audio project such as voiceovers, podcasts, audio restoration, sound design for short content, and more. In addition, I'm able to provide my own professional equipment (full sound system) and services for small events like backyard concerts.

Whether you're an amateur looking to polish your sound or a professional looking for a change, I'm here to help you bring your vision to life.